A silviculture system is a guiding framework for the harvest methods and actions (e.g. silviculture treatments) implemented to achieve a desired forest stand and structure. The predominant harvesting system in Alberta is a clearcut system, designed to emulate natural disturbance on the landscape, which can result in significant loss of woodland caribou habitat and vegetation and forest characteristics that support increased apparent competition. Exploring alternative silvicultural systems can potentially identify ways to minimize the impact of forestry on woodland caribou, but there are numerous ecological, economic and operational aspects that need to be considered before implementing these systems.
This review, conducted by FORCORP Solutions, examined how alternate harvesting and silviculture approaches can be applied across different forest types in Alberta to achieve vegetation characteristics desirable to woodland caribou and less desirable to primary prey. This included an examination of potential approaches for both conifer-dominated landscapes and mixedwood-dominated landscapes, and some of the key economic and operational considerations for each system they reviewed. The report also includes some recommended next steps to further assess potential alternative silvicultural systems.
This report is available in three formats:
Full Report (101 pages plus reference list and appendices)
Summary report (11 pages of key findings and recommendations)