We work collaboratively with stakeholders to identify knowledge gaps and draw on the expert knowledge of our technical subcommittee to annually identify priority topics and projects for the ARCKP to fund. Members of the research and consulting communities are invited to submit proposals for projects, which they deliver in close collaboration with the partnership.
This past year, the ARCKP Steering Committee dedicated extensive time to identifying projects that address the interests of its partners. This involved relationship building and working together to clarify the vision and mission of the ARCKP to guide the work of the partnership and project priorities.
Vision: A collaboration promoting self-sustaining caribou populations and a viable forest sector.
Mission: We support the development and sharing of innovative tools, techniques, strategies and understandable scientific knowledge to enhance sustainable forest management and caribou recovery efforts.
To find out about available research opportunities or open Requests for Expressions of Interest, visit our Project Opportunities section.

Our projects explore innovation in the context of research, applications, policy and knowledge exchange related to forestry operations in Alberta’s woodland caribou ranges. They seek to provide Alberta’s forestry industry and policy makers with region-specific knowledge and on-the-ground solutions that balance operational forestry activities with the needs of woodland caribou.